Human Innovation Hub (HIH) is excited to announce its participation in the DigiLearn project, a forward-thinking initiative aimed at reshaping the landscape of digital learning and inclusive education. Founded in 2022 in Dublin, Ireland, by a team of visionary emigrants, HIH brings its wealth of experience in innovative learning, career development, and gamification to the DigiLearn project.
HIH believes in the power of inclusive innovation. This ethos is rooted in the idea that innovation should not be exclusive to the elite but accessible to everyone, regardless of background. The team’s diverse experience in handling inclusion projects, such as the DNA of Tolerance and the cultural inclusion of marginalized groups, positions them uniquely for this collaboration.
In the DigiLearn project, HIH will contribute its expertise in several key areas. This includes creating dynamic learning experiences that cater to a diverse audience, utilizing gamification to make education more engaging, and developing tailored career guidance programs. By participating in DigiLearn, HIH aims to empower young people and adults, particularly from vulnerable groups like immigrants, refugees, and NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training), to harness their potential and innovate.
This collaboration represents a significant step towards democratizing education and fostering a more inclusive society. With its commitment to these values, Human Innovation Hub is poised to make a substantial impact through the DigiLearn project.
DIGILEARN is a project co-financed by the Erasmus + programme focusing on adult learning. Our mission is to increase the skills and competences needed for digital learning development for adults. DigiLearn aims to support adult learners develop competences, job-market readiness and prevent exclusion from the job market through digital learning.
If you are an educator – teacher at high school or university – training provider or you simply design digital programs and courses, we can help you increase the engagement and effectiveness of your digital learning program, course or material.
If you are a learner – we can help you plan your learning, choose the best one, develop and showcase skills to get your dream job!
If you represent a university, high school or vocational center – we can help you improve your digital learning solutions and attract more learners with these.
If you are a company providing digital learning to your employees – we can help you improve the efficiency and ROI of your digital training.
Explore our free resources for digital education creators and adult learners who seek career opportunities HERE.
Research Insights on Digital Learning for Adults – Ireland
The research in Ireland presented no big surprises. To provide digital learning services in the country, one must comply with specific requirements and have certification, validation of skills, and nationally recognized CPD certification.
While this practice raises the quality of learning providers and ensures certain common standards in teaching and learning for adults, it also might present a barrier for immigrants who are qualified to teach. Coaches, corporate consultants, language teachers, and expats who want to help fellow migrants in their professional development find significant barriers.
Additionally, accent might be a problem when non-natives attempt to enter the training field.
Human Innovation Hub conducted a focus group with 17 adults who currently live in Ireland and are migrants to discuss their needs in terms of professional development, upskilling, and reskilling, aged 30-58. Most of them have higher education and are workers in the knowledge industry, sharing that they have relevant and fair training opportunities.
Then, HIH conducted another research, onsite, this time with migrants who are occupied in sectors like office cleaning, transportation, delivery. There, the main challenge appears to be language acquisition.
While some of the 10 interviewed adults aged 34-67 have higher education, acquired in their country of origin, learning English seems to be a major hurdle. Here are the 4 main barriers to improving language skills:
How can DigiLearn help?
HIH will provide these adults with a learning guide for adults and a webinar on organizing learning. Understanding what these materials contain, the participants in the research expressed keen interest in attaining them.